Is Surgical Hip Dislocation Necessary in Slip Reduction? The Preliminary Results of Extended Dunn Technique in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis


  • Ung Sia Sarawak General Hospital, Kuching
  • Yun Han Gan Sarawak General Hospital
  • Mohd Anuar Ramdhan Ibrahim Department of Orthopaedic, University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia



Extended Dunn, Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis, Severe Slip SCFE


Treatment of severe Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) using the Modified Dunn technique has become a preferred method, but it carries a steep learning curve. We introduce an alternative technique whereby surgical realignment is performed without a surgical hip dislocation. This series involved five cases (6 hips) of moderate to severe SCFE (slip angle 450 to 600). This series reviewed the short-term complications, functional status, avascular necrosis, and chondrolysis. Slip severity was moderate in two hips and severe in four hips. Five out of six hips demonstrated satisfactory functional and radiological outcomes. Only one patient with an absence of pre-reduction femoral head bleeding developed avascular necrosis. None experienced slip progression or chondrolysis. In the treatment of severe SCFE, the Extended Dunn is a less traumatic technique, easier to master when compared to other techniques with short-term functional outcome and complication rate comparable to that of Modified Dunn technique.


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How to Cite

Sia, U., Gan, Y. H., & Ibrahim, M. A. R. (2023). Is Surgical Hip Dislocation Necessary in Slip Reduction? The Preliminary Results of Extended Dunn Technique in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS), 17(3).



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